

I am sure that most people in their lives have been told on several different occasions to watch their language because there are children in the vicinity (this happened to me last night as a matter of fact). Now maybe it's because I am not a parent, but I don't understand why this is such a big deal?  It is 2009 and believe it or not, your kid is probably gonna here some bad words. How is this possible you wonder? Well, considering in two or three clicks of a mouse a kid can see a chick getting peed on, I think he or she's probably come across the word "shit" a few times. There is cussing on TV, in movies, on the radio, in music, and just about everywhere else. Hell, I can say 20 cuss words in Spanish and I barely speak the language. There is no avoiding it. Bad language is everywhere. 

When you tell me to watch my mouth all you are doing is delaying the inevitable. As soon as little Jimmy hits fourth grade, you bet your ass he is at school sitting around at lunch, telling his friends about how Ms. McCleary stepped in "dog shit" on the way to class this morning and how he knows for a fact that Nick Jonas "banged" so and so.  The word "fuck" is in Webster's Dictionary for fuck's sake. I would like to see a study done on whether or not Uncle Matt yelling, "Nice play shit head!" to his brother in law at the softball field has any influence over your kids vocabulary in the coming years. I don't remember the first few times I heard a bad word and neither will your kids. 

Look, I am not condoning dropping f-bombs in front of children and it's not like I get a kick out of it or anything. I just hate it when parents get all high and mighty about cussing in front of their children, yet they're the same retard who brings their kid to the bleachers in the Oakland Coliseum or drags them along to bowling night. Sometimes, I just wonder. If you're so worried about cussing around your kids, why don't you buy them an iPod so they can listen to stuff like this. It's what I was listening to in my impressionable years and I turned out okay. 

1 comment:

  1. I got asked to stop dropping "F-bombs" at Ella.

    Fuck them.
