
Spring Softball

In approximately two weeks, spring softball season begins in Tahoe Park and with it, a new team arrives on the scene. Yours truly has jumped ship, leaving my girlfriend, relatives, and friends behind, for the warm and cozy bed of my former team. I have already heard and read the comments from my old Suck Dragon's teammates calling me a traitor and a sell-out...yada yada yada. To be honest, it doesn't bother me so keep'em coming. Prior to coming to Tahoe Park, I played roughly 15 seasons of softball with the folks I reunited with and be forewarned Tahoe Park, we are good...we are very good.

What really gets my goat is that the Hippies will not be around to receive a beating from us this season. Word on the street is that the Sports Authority ran out of knee braces and Tiger Balm so they couldn't field a team. I hear that a couple of them have joined my former team, bringing the Sucks roster count to somewhere around 23. There are six teams in the league this year which is still not a lot, but it is better than the four we had at the end of last year.

In keeping with tradition, we have decided to take another cheap shot at the Luck Dragon's ridiculous team name and call ourselves the Luck Donkeys (jerseys may or may not follow). Sorry LDs, but it was between that and Suckrilicious and we don't know enough of them to make fun just yet.

The season opener is Tuesday, March 10. Whatever the outcome is this season, it will be fun. If you have nothing better to do and want to drink some beer and watch some softball, come on out to Tahoe Park and find a seat in the bleachers.

1 comment:

  1. Eat crow, with your mouth! Remember the taste of that crow next time your profess to dominate or know everything.
